Flour bran is beneficial for diabetic patients, its particles absorb sugar; Know how to use it?


The graph of diabetes related to lifestyle is increasing rapidly in the country and the world. This is an incurable disease. In such a situation, you can only control it. Let us tell you that to control this you will have to improve your diet. If you eat fine flour rotis in your diet, it can increase your sugar level. In fact, fine flour has a higher glycemic index and less fiber. Due to less fiber, your sugar increases rapidly and metabolism remains slow. In such a situation, you should consume bran extracted from it, not flour.

How is bran beneficial in diabetes?
The coarseness of bran accelerates sugar metabolism and prevents its spike. Its fiber is helpful in absorbing sugar and increases the metabolic rate of the stomach. This means that the sugar released from food gets digested automatically. Bran flour is helpful in insulin production. Along with increasing the insulin hormone in the body, it increases its production. This insulin prevents sugar from getting into the blood and is helpful in controlling diabetes. The bran blocks the sugar spike and does not allow the fasting sugar to grow. Apart from this, it removes the problem of constipation in sugar because it speeds up bowel movement, increases the speed of intestines, which helps in managing sugar.

How to consume bran in diabetes?
To eat bran in diabetes, first take out the bran from the flour and keep it aside. Or buy only bran flour. Think of it like if you take 1 cup of flour, add 2 cups of bran. Then whether you make roti or thepla with this, everything will be beneficial for health. So, for all these reasons you should consume flour bran in diabetes.