Yogi government to set up ‘high tech nurseries’ in 73 districts of the state


Lucknow| Yogi government of Uttar Pradesh has taken another great initiative to increase the yield of fruits and vegetables. This will not only increase the yield of vegetables and fruits, but will also improve their quality. Under this special initiative of Yogi government, nurseries will be built in every district except Noida and Ghaziabad. The state government will build hi-tech nurseries in the remaining 73 districts except two districts of the state. According to the agro-climatic zone of the concerned district, full care will be taken as to which species of fruits and vegetables are suitable there. The Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) of the district, the universities to which these KVKs are affiliated and the Horticulture Department will jointly take this decision.

According to the information, nurseries will be built with the help of MNREGA. So far, 36 such nurseries have been prepared. Work on 16 more nurseries will begin shortly. In these hi-tech nurseries, the plant is prepared at controlled temperature and moisture, hence the plants are healthy. In such a situation, the yield of vegetables and fruits available from their planting is not only high, they are also better in quality and their prices are also reasonable. Getting the right price for the product will increase the income of farmers and gardeners. This is also the ultimate goal of all the schemes being run by the government in the interest of farmers and gardeners.

Actually, the economy of Uttar Pradesh is mainly based on agriculture. Fruits and vegetables have an important place in the agriculture based economy. It has been proven at the scientific level that fruits and vegetables provide more employment opportunities at the local level per hectare. When processing is added, this number becomes higher. Vitamins and fiber are found in abundance in them, hence they also play an important role in nutritional security. These hi-tech nurseries will play an important role in all this.

Since there are nine types of agro climatic zones, there is a possibility of cultivation of all types of fruits and vegetables in Uttar Pradesh. About 77 percent of the total land of the state is cultivable. About 85 per cent of cultivated land is irrigated. The labour force and market as the most populous is also available. Because of all this, there is immense potential for cultivation of fruits and vegetables here.