UP number ‘one’ in creating Ayushman Bharat health account


Lucknow|  Health and Medical Secretary Ranjan Kumar said that as per the intention of Chief Minister Yogi, the work of creating health unique IDs of the people of the state is going on on war footing in the entire state under Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDS). In such a situation, Uttar Pradesh ranks first in building various units of ABDS in the entire country. Among these, Uttar Pradesh ranks first in the entire country in terms of Abha ID, Health Professional Registry, Health Facility Registry, 100 Microsoft Project, Scan and Share module, while it ranks second in the entire country in electronic health records.

Secretary Ranjan Kumar said that Abha has been implemented in the state for the last one year under Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission. Till now the state is at the first position in the entire country by making about 12.45 crore Abha IDs. At the same time, Maharashtra is at second place, where till now about 5.46 crore Abha IDs have been made. Similarly, health workers of various medical systems related to health services like doctors, nurses, CHOs, ANMs, ASHAs etc. are being registered in the Health Professional Registry (HPR). So far 74,789 registries have been done and currently the state ranks first in the entire country. At the same time, Karnataka is in second place, where about 58,919 health professional registries have been created so far.

Health and Medical Secretary Ranjan Kumar further said that all medical institutions, hospitals, health centres, sub-centers, private hospitals, clinics, diagnostic etc. are to be registered in the Health Facility Registry (HFR). So far, 61,015 Health Facility Registry have been registered Facilities. In this matter also, currently Uttar Pradesh ranks first in the country.

100% registration of all government medical institutions, hospitals and sub-centers of the state has been done. Karnataka is in second place, where registry of about 60,743 health facilities has been created so far. The difficulties in registration in government hospitals are being successfully reduced through the Scan and Share module operated under ABDM.

In government hospitals, the patient or attendant is registering to reduce the OPD registration by scan and share module to about 5 minutes. Uttar Pradesh ranks first in the entire country in scan and share module. Currently patients are being benefited while creating more than 1.42 crore tokens, while in second place is Bihar, where more than 95 lakh tokens have been created.

Out of the 100 microsite project implemented by the National Health Authority of the Government of India, 35 microsites are being operated in the state. Microsite has been implemented for the adoption of Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission in the private sector. At present, maximum health records are being added from the state itself. In this, the capital Lucknow is the first Microsoft in the country, which has first achieved the set target. Through this, not only facilities are being provided to the patients, but the medical system is being made more transparent and simple by better queue management, hospital management and data management in the hospitals.

To create Electronic Health Records (EHR/PHR), it is necessary to have Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission Complementary Health Management Information in the hospital, through which the flow and data of the patient can be managed locally in the hospital.

Lab information system is being integrated in various hospitals to create electronic health records in the state. About 5.25 crore electronic health records have been created so far in the state. At present the state ranks second in India. Whereas, in first place is Andhra Pradesh, which has so far created 5.32 crore electronic health records. The Secretary said that soon the state will be at first place in the entire country in making electronic health records.