‘The government has no right over every private property’- Supreme Court

New Delhi| The Supreme Court has given a historic verdict on the issue of government rights over private properties. The Supreme Court clarified that the government cannot claim every private property and the property rights of citizens are protected by the Constitution. This decision will have a direct impact on cases and property disputes pending for many years.
A large bench of 9 judges of the Supreme Court said in its important decision on Tuesday that the government cannot use all private properties unless public interests are being involved
Khy Judge Justice DY Chandrachud delivered his verdict by majority in a 9-judge bench case. By way of majority, the bench has ruled in its judgment that not all privately owned resources can be acquired by the state, the state can claim those resources which are in the public interest and are with the community.
Court also rejected Justice Krishna Iyer’s previous decision by majority vote. Justice Iyer’s previous ruling said all privately owned resources could be acquired by the state. Old regime was driven by a particular economic and socialist ideology, it said.
Simultaneously Supreme Court overturns post-year 1978 rulings that adopted socialist themes and ruled that states can subjugate all private properties for the common good.
CJI Chandrachud said some judgments are wrong in that all personal resources of the individual are material resources of the community. Court’s role is not to set economic policy, but to facilitate establishing economic democracy.