Hathras Stampede- Investigation drive at the ashram of ‘Bhole Baba’ in Kanpur

Kanpur| Police reached Baba Narayan Sakar Vishwa Hari’s ashram built on about six acres of land in Bidhanu Karsui village of Kanpur on Thursday morning to investigate. The police visited the ashram for about an hour and also took information about Baba from servants and villagers.
After leaving the job, Narayan Sakar Vishwa Hari alias Bhole Baba became Suraj Pal’s Bidhanu Karsui built his ashram on about six acres of land. Currently some part of the ashram is under construction.
On the issue of land dispute regarding the ashram, the servants and villagers denied any kind of dispute. Sevadars told that every day hundreds of devotees came to the ashram with wishes to pay obeisance. The kitchen built in the ashram operates every day where between 200 and 300 devotees eat each day. After investigating the ashram for about an hour, the police returned.