Government extended the period of free import policy for yellow peas and urad


New Delhi| The government has extended the period of free import policy for yellow peas and urad. This step has made it easier for traders to bring these pulses into the country. The Commerce Department of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry issued a notification giving this information. Let us know what has been said in the notification issued by the government.

What decision did the government take on the export of yellow peas?
According to the notification, imports of yellow peas under ITC (HS) code 07131010 have now been exempted from the Minimum Import Price (MIP) condition already in force or any port restrictions. It will now be classified as “free”. In the case of yellow peas, the free import policy has been extended for three months.

However, traders have to register their imports under the online import monitoring system. This new rule will apply immediately to all shipments where the bill of lading (ship on board) has been issued for on or before May 31, 2025. Previously, the free import policy for yellow peas ended on February 28, 2025. Now traders have additional time till May 31, 2025 i.e. three months to freely import yellow peas after the government’s decision. The notification states that there will be no change in other terms and conditions of earlier government notifications.

Urad import policy extended till March 2026
The government has also extended the period of free import policy for urad dal. Under the revised rules, traders can continue to import urad dal independently until March 31, 2026. Its deadline was set to expire on March 31, 2025. The decision to extend the import policy to both yellow peas and urad is expected to stabilize prices and ensure adequate supply to the domestic market. Pulses are an important part of India’s food security, and the government often changes import policies to balance demand and supply. Relaxation of import conditions for yellow peas may also help food processing industries that depend on imported pulses.