Drumstick is extremely beneficial for the skin. Know the methods of making and applying face packs
Women use many varieties of cosmetic products to improve their skin. She constantly makes rounds of the parlor, but despite spending thousands of rupees, no much improvement is seen. In such a situation, today we have brought an excellent recipe for you with the help of which you can eradicate many skin problems. In fact, home remedies have been used for centuries. They would slowly show their effect here. Therefore, whenever you try skin or hair related remedies, be patient. Today, we have brought for you the wonderful recipe of drumstick. Drumstick is very beneficial for health, but this vegetable is also very beneficial for the skin. Along with Vitamin C, anti-oxidants are found in it which works as anti-aging as well as provides relief from every skin related problem. Let us tell you, drumstick trees, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds are full of many medicinal properties.
Effective in these skin problems:
Make lips soft: If you are always troubled by dry and lifeless lips, then drumstick oil can be very effective. Apply it on your lips before sleeping.
Get rid of acne: Due to toxic elements present in the body, acne and spots occur on the skin. Such antioxidants are found in drumstick powder which purifies the blood so that your skin remains clean and healthy.
Get rid of wrinkles: Such properties are found in drumstick which increases the amount of collagen in the skin which helps in reducing the open pores of the skin. Along with this, it reduces fine lines and wrinkles.
How to make drumstick face pack
Take few drumsticks and dry them. After it dries, grind it and make powder. Now add one bowl 2-3 teaspoons drumstick leaves powder, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon honey and mix well. If the paste is thick then rose water or raw milk can be added to it. Now apply this paste on the face. After drying for about 20-30 minutes, rinse with clean water. After this apply moisturizer.