5 Low Glycemic Index Foods extremely beneficial in diabetes


Glycemic index is a scale that measures the number of carbohydrates present in different foods from 0 to 100, which gives an idea of how fast the sugar spike will occur in a person’s body. The lower these numbers are, the more nutritious the food is and the slower the sugar spike will do. Therefore foods with low glycemic index are considered beneficial. Foods with glycemic index from 0 to 55 are called low glycemic index. Medium glycemic indexes ranges from 56 to 69 and high glycemic indexes from 70 to 100.

By consuming low glycemic index food, cholesterol level reduces and blood sugar level does not spike rapidly. Diabetic patients must be more aware about their eating and diet habits. So today we will list some foods with low glycemic index, healthy to intake(especially for diabetic patients)

Apple has a glycemic index of about 36, which is a great option for those who wish to control their sugar level.  The fiber, pectin, present in apple slows down the digestion of sugar due to which diabetic level do not jump easily.

Guava has a glycemic index of 12 and is rich in fiber, vitamin C along with anti-oxidants helps in with increasing immunity and controlling blood sugar level.

3.Chick Peas
Chick Peas has a glycemic index of 28 and it contains huge amount of protein and fiber with calcium, potassium and many other vitamins, making it best for diabetic patients to consume. We suggest to boil the peas, make a salad or fry it lightly and enjoy it with salt, chaat masala.

4. Spinach
Spinach comes in a healthy food category with a glycemic index of 15. It is rich in many nutrients, very beneficial for the body. It has no negative effect on blood sugar and diabetic people can consume it comfortably in any form. You can include it in your diet in the form of spinach soup, juice, vegetable, smoothie.

Everyone knows that carrots containing beta-carotene and vitamin A are best for the eyes, but due to their glycemic index score of 39, carrots are said to be a great option for diabetic people to consume.